MM Musings: Makeup in museums
Couture Monday: Anselm Reyle for Dior: it's electrifying

Curator's Corner, 1/14/2012

CC logoThis week's links:

- How cute are these Dolce and Gabbana pencil charms

- Love this video spoofing Photoshop usage. 

- Now that I've gotten my fancy new iPhone, I want this alarm clock/docking station for it. 

- An interesting post from one of my favorite blogs, Collecting Vintage Compacts

And a quick note:  I'll be taking this coming week off from blogging to make preparations for a special exhibition.  As a matter of fact, I most likely will be blogging one week on, one week off until spring - it feels far too early to discuss spring items now, and I don't think I will have enough good content to post every week.  But even though blogging might be light, I'm always adding product reviews so be sure to stop by!

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